Honors Undergraduate Research Travel Support

* fields are required

Student Information

Faculty Advisor Information

Recommendation letters from faculty mentors must address:

  1. How long you have been working on the research project being presented at the conference
  2. The value of atending the conference to your academic/professional development
  3. The amount of funding they and/or their department is contribu􀆟ng to your travel

Anticipated Conference Expenses

Please submit a budget outlining your expected conference expenses and specifying the amount of funding that you are requesting from Shackouls Honors College. This budget must:

  1. Detail all expenses (e.g. automobile milage, air fare, conference registration, hotel, food, etc.)
  2. Indicate split costs if you are traveling in a group
  3. Specify all sources of funding supporting your atendance of this conference (e.g. departmental funding, funding from research grants, scholarship funding, self-funding, etc.)
  4. Indicate to which expenses each source of funding will be allocated (e.g. departmental funding will cover the cost of conference registration)

Conference Information