Project Summary / General Information:

Childhood trauma is prevalent. Most likely, you have experienced childhood adversity or know someone who has. Adversity & Resilience Training (ART) is a 3-hour interactive training to improve both personal and professional interactions with such individuals by creating awareness and improving relevant helping skills.

Who would benefit from this training?

- Individuals who aspire to work with children and youth in the sectors of: child welfare, psychology, social work, and education

- Parents with a history of childhood trauma or who are caring for children who have experienced trauma

College & Department:

College of Ag & Life Sciences...012102 - Human Sciences- Head Start
College of Ag & Life Sciences...012100 - School of Human Sciences
College of Arts & Sciences...038813 - A&S - African American Studies
College of Arts & Sciences...038800 - College of Arts & Sciences
College of Arts & Sciences...032700 - Communication
College of Arts & Sciences...032702 - Communications - Theatre
College of Arts & Sciences...036900 - Mathematics & Statistics
College of Arts & Sciences...038500 - Political Science and Public Adm
College of Arts & Sciences...038802 - Pre-med Program
College of Arts & Sciences...038600 - Psychology
College of Arts & Sciences...038602 - Psychology Unfunded
College of Arts & Sciences...038901 - Social Work
College of Arts & Sciences...038900 - Sociology
College of Arts & Sciences...033904 - Writing Center
College of Business...048806 - Ctr for Entrepreneurship & Outreach
College of Business...048805 - Ctr of Family Enterprise Research
College of Education...054100 - Counseling, Ed Psyc, & Foundations
College of Education...051300 - Curriculum,Instruction & Special Ed
College of Education...051500 - Educational Psychology
College of Education...053600 - Writing/Thinking Institute
393400 - Shackouls Honors College -

Description of Responsibilities and Position Duties:

Accepted trainees will receive a 3-hour interactive training session, with follow-up consultation regarding implementation of self-care and advocacy-based behaviors associated with reducing secondary traumatic stress. Trainees may apply to join a network of advocates across the state who are sharing workforce development and community programs in trauma-informed care.

Desired Qualifications and Skills:

ART trainees may join the education, research, or service arms of the project by completing a Directed Individual Study experience geared toward the individual's professional goals. Education-oriented trainees may help recruit participants for future training initiatives and assist with training sessions. Research-oriented trainees may conduct evaluation studies or write systematic reviews of relevant child adversity topics. Service-oriented trainees may obtain further training and help facilitate simulation exercises during advanced training sessions.

Available Date:

2020-10-01 to 2025-05-31

How to Apply:

Do you, or someone you know, provide parenting or professional services to children with exposure to potentially traumatic events? Are you interested in improving your knowledge and skills in trauma-informed responses?

If yes to both, please contact Dr. Arazais Oliveros in the Department of Psychology at

Paid Position:


Hours Required Per Week:


Faculty Contact:

Arazais Oliveros, Ph.D.
202 Magruder Hall (mailbox in 110)

Project Summary / General Information:

The proposed project focuses on the estimating economic contributions of Mississippi's forestry sector, which encompasses over 19.5 million acres or approximately 65% of the state's total land area. Estimating the economic contribution is crucial for stimulating investment and development, informing policy making and funding strategies, and providing valuable market insights and trends. These contributions are vital not only for the state's economic vitality but also for promoting employment and environmental sustainability within Mississippi.

College & Department:

College of Forest Resources...080100 - FWRC - Forestry

Description of Responsibilities and Position Duties:

The undergraduate student will assist in estimating the direct, indirect, and induced economic impacts of the forestry sector using IMPLAN software. Responsibilities include updating and contributing to the publication of extension reports and research articles based on impact analysis. The student will also have the opportunity to present findings at conferences and stakeholder meetings, gaining valuable experience in both research and professional communication.

Desired Qualifications and Skills:

- Basic understanding of economic principles and interest in forestry or natural resource management.
- Attention to detail and ability to work independently with guidance.
- Willingness to learn new software tools, such as IMPLAN, and conduct data analysis.
- Interest in research and outreach activities is a plus.

Available Date:

2025-01-15 to 2025-05-14

How to Apply:

Contact Dr. Sabhyata Lamichhane at

Paid Position:


Hours Required Per Week:


Faculty Contact:

Sabhyata Lamichhane
375 Thompson Hall

Project Summary / General Information:

PI-Contact: Prof. Dr. Jeff Winger (
Co-Advisor-Contact: Dr. Prajwal Mohan Murthy (

Na22, with a half-life of 2.6018y undergoes an allowed beta+ decay 99.944% of the time to the 2(1+) state in Ne22 with a Q value of 1568.79 keV. This is one of the lowest Q(beta+) values known. We are looking into the feasibility for an experiment where the overarching goals in re-measuring the beta+ decay spectra of Na22 are twofold: (i) to remeasure the beta-decay Fierz interference term, b, to higher precision; and (ii) improve on one input for the test of CKM unitarity.
By examining the shape for the beta-decay spectra of Na22, the Fierz interference term was previously measured to be b=0.0008(28). The most recent measurement of the Fierz interference term was performed by the UCNA collaboration obtaining b=0.067(91) using free ultracold neutrons. The Fierz interference term measurement from the beta+ decay spectra of Na22 is almost 6 decades old, underestimates the uncertainties, and needs to be updated.
Lastly, the precise determination of the Na22 mass also contributes to understanding the 0+->0+ superallowed beta+ decay of Mg22, which is included in the determination of the CKM-matrix element Vud, that in turn is used to test CKM unitarity.
A novel technique for measuring the beta+ decay spectra of Na22 by embedding it in a semiconductor detector will be simulated, and corresponding technique demonstrated at the Texas A&M University's cyclotron facility.

A. Summers: Paid positions can be arranged through the URCD/HURP programs
B. Fall, Spring: 1-3h of PH 4000 can be arranged, could count towards degree

College & Department:

College of Arts & Sciences...038400 - Physics & Astronomy
393400 - Shackouls Honors College - Jointly in collaboration with Massachusetts Institute of Technology - MIT
Other - Jointly in collaboration with Massachusetts Institute of Technology - MIT

Description of Responsibilities and Position Duties:

*Initial calculations done!!
*Simulations using LISE++:
*Analyze data using Mathematica or your choice of software
*Write a report
*Present at an [expense paid] APS Conference (April, DNP, SESAPS)
*Publish in a open access journal (Eg.: IOP-New Journal of Physics, Elsevier-Results in Physics, AIP-Physics Advances)
*Possible topic for Senior Thesis: HON-4093 / PH-4000
*For additional info, refer to:

Desired Qualifications and Skills:

Physics majors preferred. Other STEM majors are encouraged to apply.

Analysis toolkit: Mathematica

Coursework -
Pre-requisite: Calculus 1-2, Physics 1-2
Co-registration: Physics-3
Preferred: Calculus 3, Differential Equations 1, Modern Physics
Most aligned with: Nuclear and Particle Physics

Available Date:

2023-01-01 to 2026-06-01

How to Apply:

Write an email expressing your interest.
Submit a resume or CV (LinkedIn is acceptable) to both:
PI-Contact: Prof. Dr. Jeff Winger (
Co-Advisor-Contact: Dr. Prajwal Mohan Murthy (

Paid Position:


Hours Required Per Week:


Faculty Contact:

Dr. Prajwal T MohanMurthy
Prof. Dr. J. A. Winger: Hilbun Hall-010E
(662) 325-2685

Project Summary / General Information:

Dr. Danielle's Nadorff's Grandfamilies Lab is looking for one or two well-qualified students to work in the lab as research assistants. Students would receive up to three credits of PSY 4000 per semester for this experience, which can be used as one of the six required upper-level electives for a Psychology degree. Three hours of work within the lab are required per credit hour per week. The benefits of being a research assistant include class credit, opportunities to practice valuable research skills, possible presentation or publication opportunities, and reference letters for graduate school or future careers. Dr. Nadorff is especially interested in students who wish to pursue a degree in Clinical Psychology upon graduation, and/or students enrolled in the Shackhoul's Honor College.

"Grandfamilies" are households where the grandparents have a primary role in raising their grandchildren. There are approximately 100,000 grandchildren living with grandparent householders in the state of Mississippi, alone! Dr. Nadorff’s Grandfamilies Lab examines the social, cognitive, emotional, and behavioral outcomes for these “custodial grandchildren,” as well as examining how they compare to children raised in foster care. You may read more about the lab at

College & Department:

College of Arts & Sciences...038804 - A & S/Gender Studies
College of Arts & Sciences...038813 - A&S - African American Studies
College of Arts & Sciences...031100 - Biological Sciences
College of Arts & Sciences...038800 - College of Arts & Sciences
College of Arts & Sciences...032700 - Communication
College of Arts & Sciences...035400 - Inst For The Humanities
College of Arts & Sciences...036900 - Mathematics & Statistics
College of Arts & Sciences...038802 - Pre-med Program
College of Arts & Sciences...038600 - Psychology
College of Arts & Sciences...038602 - Psychology Unfunded
College of Arts & Sciences...038901 - Social Work
College of Arts & Sciences...038900 - Sociology
College of Arts & Sciences...033904 - Writing Center
393400 - Shackouls Honors College -

Description of Responsibilities and Position Duties:

Lab responsibilities will vary, but may include data entry, literature reviews, recruitment and/or interviews of participants, study design, statistical analysis, and opportunities for presentations or manuscripts, both of which are highly recommended for graduate school. Thus, enrolling in a research lab is highly recommended for those who are planning on pursuing a Ph.D. in Psychology. Three hours of work within the lab each week per credit hour are required, in exchange for each credit of PSY 4000.

Desired Qualifications and Skills:

Lab responsibilities will vary, but may include data entry, literature reviews, recruitment and/or interviews of participants, study design, statistical analysis, and opportunities for presentations or manuscripts, both of which are highly recommended for graduate school. Thus, enrolling in a research lab is highly recommended for those who are planning on pursuing a Ph.D. in Psychology. Three hours of work within the lab each week per credit hour are required, in exchange for each credit of PSY 4000.

Available Date:

2020-08-25 to 2025-12-31

How to Apply:

Contact Dr. Nadorff at or visit to receive an application for joining the lab.

Paid Position:


Hours Required Per Week:


Faculty Contact:

Danielle Nadorf
214 Magruder Hall

Project Summary / General Information:

The Institute for Genomics, Biocomputing and Biotechnology (IGBB) has an exquisite opportunity to provide a meaningful education to undergraduate students in the form of total research engagement, starting with basic laboratory techniques and culminating in training on advance scientific instrumentation that is not readily available in the course of undergraduate studies and other laboratories at MSU. Long-term internship at IGBB will expose students to all aspects of research enterprise including proposal submission, experiment design, technical execution, data analysis, manuscript preparation, and oral or poster presentation of achieved results. Objective of this proposal is to inspire a talented, driven individual to continue his or her academic curriculum in further graduate studies and to embark on carrier in research.
Selected intern will have an opportunity to participate in several ongoing and future projects. Research at IGBB encompasses genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics of agriculturally important plant and animal species, (and other subjects of importance to federal funding agencies). Examples of those that are directly related to the agriculture and economy of Mississippi are: i) Genetic analysis of feral cotton plants via next-generation sequencing technology; ii) Exploiting of anti-fungal cob metabolites to boost maize resistance against aflatoxin contamination; iii) Proteo-genomics mapping of cotton (Gossypium mustelinnum); iv) Proteomics of an abiotic stress resistance of alfalfa (Medicago sativa)

College & Department:

College of Ag & Life Sciences...010300 - Ag & Bio Engineering
College of Ag & Life Sciences...011900 - Agricultural Science & Plant Protec
College of Ag & Life Sciences...011300 - Animal & Dairy Science
College of Ag & Life Sciences...011500 - Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
College of Ag & Life Sciences...012000 - Biochemistry Nutrition Health Promo
College of Ag & Life Sciences...018800 - College of Ag & Life Sciences
College of Ag & Life Sciences...011100 - Plant and Soil Sciences
College of Ag & Life Sciences...012900 - Plant Pathology & Weed Science

Description of Responsibilities and Position Duties:

The intern will be guided to pursue these specific goals: i) to complete literature overview of selected topic; ii) to become independent operator of at least one major instrument; iii) to participate in undergraduate students research symposium; iv) to be a co-author on manuscript submitted for peer-reviewed publication; v) to write and submit proposal to state or federal agency in appropriate program area.
Regardless of the project, student will receive hands-on training in universal biochemistry-molecular biology techniques, as well as in operating, servicing and troubleshooting of “omics” scientific instrumentation available at IGBB. It includes, but is not limited to Thermo LTQ-Orbitrap Velos mass spectrometer and Ultimate 3000 HPLC system, 2-DE related robotic stations, several sample preparation and liquid handler systems, Next-Generation Illumina NovaSeq sequencer, and 3rd Generation native DNA molecular sequencer Oxford Nanopore Technologies GridIon. In addition to technical proficiency, by immersion in academic research culture, the student will acquire a taste for a real-life challenges and rewards of being a professional scientist

Desired Qualifications and Skills:

Intern must be enrolled, undergraduate student in biochemistry-biology-bioengineering related majors. No previous research experience is required. Drive to succeed academically and desire to learn is a must.

Available Date:

2024-08-26 to 2025-02-28

How to Apply:

Submit a cover letter and resume/C.V. by e-mail to, or in person at IGBB, Pace Seed Lab building, Rm 111 anytime between 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM.

Paid Position:


Hours Required Per Week:


Faculty Contact:

Tibor Pechan
Pace Seed Lab, Rm 111

Project Summary / General Information:

I have couple of positions available for the Junior, Senior undergraduates, and Graduate students (Aerospace Engineering and Mechanical Engineering) who are willing to gain hands on experience on materials and structures research. This is an opportunity to apply your engineering education to real world challenges in the domain of aerospace engineering.

College & Department:

College of Engineering...060100 - Aerospace Engineering
College of Engineering...061700 - Mechanical Engineering

Description of Responsibilities and Position Duties:

The duties and responsibilities include design and computational assessment of materials and structures with multifunctional properties such as strain-sensing and self-healing etc.

Desired Qualifications and Skills:

Junior, Senior Undergraduates, or Graduate students.

Available Date:

2025-01-16 to 2025-12-16

How to Apply:

Via email (

Paid Position:


Hours Required Per Week:


Faculty Contact:

Vivek Khare
324C Walker

Project Summary / General Information:

The Regulation & Resilience team conducts research on the cognitive and affective risk and protective factors involved in family violence, with the over-arching goal of preventing the costly consequences to children, families, and society. Research studies include the interplay among individual, family, and community variables that affect emotion regulation and dysregulation, as manifest in parenting, relationship conflict, and psychopathology (e.g., substance use, aggression, and self-harm). Partnering with child advocates and educators in Mississippi, we are developing training in trauma-informed evidence-based practice and evaluation for workforce development and community-prevention. Projects seek to understand more about the following topics:
· Prevention of child maltreatment
· Influence of trauma on relationships and parenting
· Influence of attachment on developing resilience and self-regulation
· Emotion regulation assessment and intervention

College & Department:

College of Ag & Life Sciences...012102 - Human Sciences- Head Start
College of Ag & Life Sciences...012100 - School of Human Sciences
College of Arts & Sciences...038800 - College of Arts & Sciences
College of Arts & Sciences...032700 - Communication
College of Arts & Sciences...038500 - Political Science and Public Adm
College of Arts & Sciences...038802 - Pre-med Program
College of Arts & Sciences...038600 - Psychology
College of Arts & Sciences...038602 - Psychology Unfunded
College of Arts & Sciences...038901 - Social Work
College of Arts & Sciences...038900 - Sociology
393400 - Shackouls Honors College -

Description of Responsibilities and Position Duties:

Research Assistants invest 8-10-hours per week and get course credit (PSY 4000) for their work in the lab. Qualified RAs have the opportunity to gain supervised experience in setting up studies, collecting data, writing literature reviews, and disseminating results to the community via conference/symposium presentations and manuscript submissions.

Desired Qualifications and Skills:

Voluntary research assistant for the first semester. Subsequent semesters in the lab include the option of registering in Directed Individual Study for credit.

Available Date:

2019-03-01 to 2025-12-30

How to Apply:

If you are a self-motivated individual seeking to gain research experience, learn about child advocacy, and contribute to psychology, please email Dr. Oliveros ( for more information.

Paid Position:


Hours Required Per Week:


Faculty Contact:

Dr. Oliveros
202 Magruder Hall

Project Summary / General Information:

This research lab involves all things related to parenting emerging adults, including parental psychopathology, parent-child relationships, discipline, maltreatment, and many other relevant factors. We focus on how aspects of parenting during emerging adulthood are associated with various psychological outcomes.

College & Department:

College of Arts & Sciences...038600 - Psychology

Description of Responsibilities and Position Duties:

Students typically participate through joining a directed individual study course (typically 3 credits) and attend weekly lab meetings to complete work. Participating students most often develop a research idea, learn how to complete moderation and mediation analyses, and submit their findings to conferences for presentation. Students gain valuable experience in a research lab, products to put on their resume, and access to a strong letter of recommendation if they perform well in the lab.

Desired Qualifications and Skills:

Course work in statistics, research design, and psychology are desired but not required.

Available Date:

2024-01-10 to 2029-08-16

How to Apply:

Students should contact Dr. Cliff McKinney at to express their interest. Send a brief statement expressing what interests you about the lab and your career goals along with your resume that shows your current overall GPA.

Paid Position:


Hours Required Per Week:


Faculty Contact:

Cliff McKinney
140 #2 Magruder Hall
(662) 325-3782

Project Summary / General Information:

On April 25-26, 2025, Mississippi State's History Department will host its seventeenth annual Symposium for History Undergraduate Research (SHUR).
The conference is an opportunity for undergraduate scholars from all over the country to present their research in the format of an academic History conference and have their work discussed by Mississippi State History professors. Please see the attached flyer for more information.

College & Department:

College of Arts & Sciences...035300 - History

Description of Responsibilities and Position Duties:

- Engage in original historical research based on primary sources.
If selected,
- Present research findings in written (conference paper) and oral (conference presentation) form.

Desired Qualifications and Skills:

This opportunity is *not* restricted to History majors. Undergraduates majoring in other disciplines may apply.

Available Date:

2024-10-26 to 2025-02-14

How to Apply:

Submit a proposal or abstract of not more than 400 words, excluding the title, to Dr. Susanna De Stradis and Dr. Alistair Hobson at by February 14, 2025.

Optional Addendum (PDF):
Paid Position:


Hours Required Per Week:


Faculty Contact:

Susanna De Stradis
208 Allen Hall

Project Summary / General Information:

I am working on a book about the medieval origins of the university, the role of honors colleges in America, and about higher education reform. The book explores such topics as educational theory and pedagogy, college admissions practices, funding mechanisms for higher education, and the role of government (state and federal) in higher education. I will be conducting case studies of six colleges and universities in America that were founded in the liberal arts and how they have grown, confronted issues like racism and STEM research, and struggled to maintain a sense of community.

College & Department:

393400 - Shackouls Honors College -

Description of Responsibilities and Position Duties:

Interested students will be able to take on one of the following areas and conduct independent research, while also working as part of a research team:

1) history and philosophy of liberal arts education
2) types of colleges and universities in America
3) funding mechanisms (tuition, public funding, private gifts, etc.)
4) athletics and student activities
5) admissions practices and abuses
6) state and federal higher education policy

Academic credit available as well as funding for conference/research travel (Honors students only).

Desired Qualifications and Skills:

Ability to use MSU library resources as well as basic internet research, write short papers/reports, interest in conference travel/presentation/publication. Preference given to students in the Shackouls Honors College at the sophomore level or above.

Available Date:

2022-03-30 to 2026-05-31

How to Apply:

Submit statement of interest to

Optional Addendum (PDF):
Paid Position:


Hours Required Per Week:


Faculty Contact:

Dr. Christopher A. Snyder
210C Griffis Hall

Project Summary / General Information:

Join us in an exciting opportunity to shape our understanding of the global projection of military power with Dr. Benjamin Tkach at Mississippi State University and Dr. Vasabjit Banerjee at the University of Tennessee. This project explores the evolving role of the value arms ecosystems in shaping global outcomes. Value arms, a concept we invited and is now taught in courses at the Defense Security Cooperation University and identified as an area of interest by members of the National Security Council, encompasses military capabilities that are refurbished, reused, discounted or dated (R2D2). Yet, value arms can be militarily effective depending on the threat environment and are found in militaries across the globe. This project is a comprehensive approach to understanding the value arms ecosystem. We will evaluate individual military means (arms), analyze country-specific data, and complete expert-interviews.

College & Department:

College of Arts & Sciences...038813 - A&S - African American Studies
College of Arts & Sciences...030100 - Aerospace Studies (Air ROTC)
College of Arts & Sciences...030200 - Anthropology/Middle Eastern Culture
College of Arts & Sciences...038800 - College of Arts & Sciences
College of Arts & Sciences...032700 - Communication
College of Arts & Sciences...033900 - English
College of Arts & Sciences...035300 - History
College of Arts & Sciences...037300 - Military Science (Army ROTC)
College of Arts & Sciences...038100 - Philosophy & Religion
College of Arts & Sciences...038500 - Political Science and Public Adm
College of Arts & Sciences...038600 - Psychology
College of Arts & Sciences...038900 - Sociology
College of Arts & Sciences...038200 - Stennis Institute

Description of Responsibilities and Position Duties:

Analyze country specific military assets, policies, and threat environments

Code military means, defense industry characteristics, and related variables

Contribute to the first dataset on value arms for the Department of Defense

$15 per hour

Desired Qualifications and Skills:

Graduate or undergraduate student in good academic standing

Familiarity with Excel or similar spreadsheet applications

Attention to detail

Available Date:

2024-12-02 to 2025-05-05

How to Apply:

Email your resume and a short explanation of why you are interested in and qualified for a Research Assistant position to Dr. Benjamin Tkach,

Optional Addendum (PDF):
Paid Position:


Hours Required Per Week:


Faculty Contact:

Benjamin Tkach
Bowen Hall

Project Summary / General Information:

The project involves eye movement monitoring in order to explore the bidirectional relationship between attention and memory. Visual attention forms the basis for many of our memories, since the information in our environment that we attend to is often what we remember from past events. However, what draws our attention within our environment is often determined by the contents of our memory, such as our eyes being drawn to a face because we remember encountering it previously in the current context. Using eye-tracking, I intend to investigate the manner in which previous experience dictates the way eye-movements are drawn to various kinds of information based on previous experience with that information and the manner in which it was originally viewed.
Dr. Jonathon Whitlock’s lab is actively recruiting well-qualified undergraduate students to gain experience in assisting in data collection as research assistants. Special emphasis will be placed on students interested in pursuing Cognitive Psychology upon graduation.
Benefits of being a research assistant in Dr. Whitlock’s lab will include, in addition to class credit (PSY 4000), opportunities to develop research skills, including data collection, research presentations, exposure to research design, training on the use of sophisticated eye-tracking equipment, as well as reference letters for graduate school or future careers. Enrolling in a research lab as a research assistant is highly recommended for any students intending to pursue graduate level training (including at the level of Ph.D.) within Psychology or other related research fields.

College & Department:

College of Arts & Sciences...038600 - Psychology

Description of Responsibilities and Position Duties:

Typical lab responsibilities will primarily involve data collection, including the use of eye-tracking equipment. Data collection involves being present in the lab to receive undergraduate research participants, conducting the experiment while sitting with the participant in the lab and delivering instructions, and reporting participation within the SONA system.
The amount of work per week will depend on the number of credits of PSY 4000 the student is enrolled for. For each credit of PSY 4000, three hours of lab work are required, for a maximum of three credits totaling nine lab hours per week.

Desired Qualifications and Skills:

Experience with Windows PCs, or the ability to learn quickly if student is more familiar with MAC computers
Organizational and time management skills

Preferred but not required:
Experience with statistical software packages (e.g., R, SPSS, MATLAB)

Available Date:

2024-09-03 to 2025-02-07

How to Apply:

Email a personal CV or resume, as well as a letter of recommendation from a previous professor, to Dr. Whitlock at:

Paid Position:


Hours Required Per Week:


Faculty Contact:

Jonathon Whitlock
217 Rice Hall